How to start MSSQL profiling?


After installation, start SSMS & connect to the default database.

Step 1: From the top toolbar, go to tools

Step 2: Select SQL server profiler

Step 3: New window will open & select the default database

Step 4: New trace properties dialogue will be opened as shown below

Please provide details like

  • Trace Name
  • Select all events or default from Event selection tab
  • All columns or choose columns to be displayed from Event selection tab
  • For more information refer Microsoft documentation

SQL Server — SQL Server Profiler

Step 5: Create a daProfiler database name “testdb”

Step 6: Create a table name “test_table”

Profiling screenshots

  • INSERT clause profiling (DML Command): Please find below sample profiling screenshot, the line highlighted in gray shows the SQL INSERT logs.
  • SELECT clause profiling (DQL Command): Similarly, sample screenshot for SELECT query:

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