Have you heard of Deep Linking in Swagger?


Deep linking is using a URL to get to a specific piece of content. A deep link is a URL that can be parsed by an application, for particular data & app navigation.

This article demonstrates steps to enable deep linking in swagger UI inside a .Net Core API.

What is deep linking?

Deep linking allows the user to provide UI fragments at runtime, i.e., it will automatically expand and scroll to specific tag & operation.

Similarly, collapsing the UI, both tag and operation will be removed from UI.

The below example demonstrates how deep linking looks like in swagger URL.

Deep Linking URL example

Fragment formats:

  • #/{tagName} : trigger focus to specific tag.
  • #/{tagName}/{operationId} : trigger focus to specific operation inside a tag.

NOTE: By default, deep linking is disabled.


  • Consider a scenario where there are too many tag names & operation ids inside a swagger UI. In that case, deep linking is beneficial to share particular operations inside a tag name with other developers.
  • Fragmentation is more flexible & allows us to focus on a particular section.


Please find the below-attached demo. Observe URL changes with each expands and collapse.

Deep Linking Demo


How to enable Swagger UI in a .Net Core solution?

View at Medium.com

How to enable deep linking?

Please find below-attached code, which shows deep linking can be enabled by calling out EnableDeepLinking() method.

app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>{    c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "Swagger Configuration V1");    

NOTE: DisplayOperationId() function is used to display operation ids on swagger UI.

GitHub Sample

View at Medium.com

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