Visualize Data Structures in Debug Mode.


Data Visualization Debugger

Visualizing data structure modifications utilizing the debugging view provides a very precise picture of exactly what happens with each operation. This article covers the visual debugger through an exploration of the following examples:

  • Line Graph plotting — Typescript
  • Linked List plotting — C# Console Application

Before starting, let’s look at how to access Visual Debugger

First, get the following extension from the marketplace and install it into Visual Studio Code:

  • Run any code in debug mode
  • Press “Ctrl + Shift + P” to open command palette
  • Search for Debug Visualizer

Visualize Line Graph with Typescript

  • Create a folder and basic typescript project configurations. Refer to the GitHub sample attached at the end for more information.
  • Please install the below package using the following NPM command:
npm install --save @hediet/debug-visualizer-data-extraction

Imagine the following visualization on the variable value change:

Let’s write some code.

We will plot four different types of line graphs using Typescript.

Please note: For typescript launch settings, “Node.js debugger” is used. To test, simply open the file that needs to be debugged. Remember to add a “debugger;” statement to begin debugging.

Single value plotting

  • Positive Line graph, i.e., the variable value plotted always increases.
  • Negative Line graph, i.e., the variable value plotted always decreases.
  • Plot a mix of positive & negative values in the line graph.

Multiple value plotting

  • Adding more than one value into the line graph at the same time.

Positive Line Graph

The following code example adds a random value into the array of numbers. To better visualize this, the random value is multiplied by two.

const data = new Array<number>();
let currentValue = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
//Single Values
function VisualizeIncLineGraph() {
const delta = Math.random() * 2;
currentValue += delta;

Open the “Debug Visualizer” and watch on a “data variable inside the debug visualizer input. Please look at the following instructions to get an understanding of how to visualize this.

Negative Line Graph

The code example below adds a “random negative value” into the array of numbers. To better visualize this, the random value is multiplied by two.

function VisualizeDecLineGraph() {
const delta = -Math.random() * 2;
currentValue += delta;

Plotting mix of positive and negative values

The following code example adds “random values” into the array of numbers. To better visualize this, conditionally check the random value to mix both positive and negative values.

function visualizeMix() {
var delta = Math.random();
delta = (delta < 0.5) ? 1 : -1;
currentValue += delta;

Multiple Value Plotting

The trick is to write a nested loop with the “visualizeMix” method.

const data = new Array<number>();
let currentValue = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
function AddMultipleValues() {
for (let j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
function visualizeMix() {
var delta = Math.random();
delta = (delta < 0.5) ? 1 : -1;
currentValue += delta;


Complete Code

Please find the complete code below and modify the function call according to the plotting:

const data = new Array<number>();
let currentValue = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
function AddMultipleValues() {
for (let j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
//Single Values
function VisualizeIncLineGraph() {
const delta = Math.random() * 2;
currentValue += delta;
function VisualizeDecLineGraph() {
const delta = -Math.random() * 2;
currentValue += delta;
function visualizeMix() {
var delta = Math.random();
delta = (delta < 0.5) ? 1 : -1;
currentValue += delta;

Visualize Linked List with C#

Create a simple .Net Core console application using the below command (assuming .Net Core SDK is already installed).

dotnet new console -o <ProjectName>

Let’s write some code for single linked list operations like append.

Corresponding call from the main method to append four nodes into the LinkedList with values 1,2,3 and 4, which can be visualized as such:

var list = new LinkedList<int>();

Now let’s add the visualization function.

Now with each linked list append operation, a visualizer node will be created and shown below:


Notice that with each append operation, a node is added into the visualizer as well.


There you have it, a way to visualize data structures in debug mode! By taking the time to put the above walkthrough into action, you’ll greatly increase your ability to view the details and nuances of each operation. I hope you found this article helpful, please let me know your thoughts in the comments section.


Github Samples

C# Linked List sample project

Typescript line graph project

Learn about C# or Kubernetes

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