Design Pattern – Singleton


Gang of Four – Singleton design pattern ensures that a particular class has only one instance/object and a global access point.

Photo by Sebastian Voortman from Pexels


  • Basic knowledge of OOPS concepts.
  • Any programming language knowledge.

The article demonstrates the usage of singleton design patterns using the C# programming language. So, to begin with, C#

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Learning Objectives

  • How to code using a singleton design pattern?

Getting Started

Singletons classes are used to eliminate instantiating of more than one object of a particular class.


  1. Iteration 1 _instance==null means the one and the only instance will be created.
  2. Iteration 2, as now _intance !=null So previously created instance will be returned.

Test using a Console application

Let’s call the singleton class twice and assigned the returned instance to two different variables. Finally, check if both objects are equal using theObject.Equals function.

  • If it returns true, it means a single instance is produced every time.
  • If it returns false, it means the class is not following the singleton pattern.


The console output returns true; congratulations. You have successfully implemented Singleton Pattern.

Thread Safety

The above class is known as the singleton class, but currently, it’s not thread-safe. In a multi-threaded environment, two threads can hit if (_instance == null) statement at the same time, and we will end up having multiple instances of a singleton class.

One way for a safer thread to use a lock mechanism, and the other way is to make a read-only instance for more cleaner and efficient approach.

Github Sample Repo

A console application contains samples of singleton class and thread-safe singleton class.

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