Design Pattern – Builder

C# CONCEPTSAccording to Gang of Four, a creational pattern “Builder” allows to separate and reuse a specific method to build something.Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from PexelsUse CaseLets us take an example of a Car, and the user wanted to build two models, i.e., SUV and Sedan.Builder design pattern comes in handy in the above use case, … Continue reading Design Pattern – Builder

Add favicon — ASP.Net

C# CONCEPTS How to add favicons to your ASP.NET applications Photo by on Unsplash Learning Objectives Generate favicons for different devices online. Add favicon or shortcut icon on ASP.Net Website. Prerequisites Install latest visual studio community edition. Getting Started What is a favicon? The favicon, also identified as a shortcut icon, tiny icon, or website icon … Continue reading Add favicon — ASP.Net

.Net Core Startup Class Guide

C# CONCEPTSThe Startup class is a single place to configure services and the app's request pipeline.Image by 200 Degrees from PixabayThe Startup class explained as follows:It contains an optional Configure Services method to configure app services. A service is a reusable module that provides functionality.Need to register services in the Configure Services method and consumed throughout the … Continue reading .Net Core Startup Class Guide

Configuration Providers in .NET

C# CONCEPTSConfiguration in .NET is achievable with various configuration providers.There are different types of providers that rely on many configuration sources. The article details each of the configuration provider's variants and their corresponding sources.File configuration providerEnvironment variable configuration providerCommand-line configuration providerKey-per-file configuration providerMemory configuration providerWhy is the configuration required?Configuration in .NET is the capability to bind values … Continue reading Configuration Providers in .NET

Simple way configure Logging in ASP.NET WebForms Application

C# PROGRAMMINGThis article shows how to set up logging using ELMAH.ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) is an application-wide error logging facility that is completely pluggable. It can be dynamically added to a running ASP.NET web application, or even all ASP.NET web applications on a machine, without any need for re-compilation or re-deployment.Once ELMAH has been … Continue reading Simple way configure Logging in ASP.NET WebForms Application