New Command Prompt definately sets a standard

NEW TOOLMicrosoft is back with another release of a rugged tool windows terminal.Introduction to Windows Terminal?The Windows Terminal is a modern, quick, efficient, powerful, and productive terminal application for users of command-line tools and shells like Command Prompt, PowerShell, and WSL.Its main features include multiple tabs, panes, Unicode and UTF-8 character support, a GPU accelerated … Continue reading New Command Prompt definately sets a standard

Angular command-line potential

ANGULAR PROGRAMMINGAngular CLI is a powerful tool which helps you to automate various tasks like updating angular version, generating a component or service, etc.This article demonstrates how to generate a service class with various command-line options using Angular/CLI.Getting StartedAngular/CLI can be downloaded into your machine using below NPM command:npm install -g @angular/cliAfter installation, build a new … Continue reading Angular command-line potential

Most Used Chrome Flags 2020 — C#

GOOGLE CHROMEThis article covers the following aspectsWhat are popular chrome flags?How to open a Chrome browser with flags using command prompt?Programmatically open a chrome browser with flags using C#?How to open a default browser for different OS platforms?DemoDefault Browser in ActionLets Start with popular chrome flagsNOTE: All below flag option syntax is “hyphen hyphen flagname.”NewWindow “ — new-window”: Open … Continue reading Most Used Chrome Flags 2020 — C#