Learn to add Excel Gists

GITHUB GISTHow to add a searchable table into the medium article.Photo by Lukas from PexelsI have always wondered how to add table data into a Medium Story?One can think of creating tables with pipes | and hyphens - as shown below| First Header | Second Header || ------------- | ------------- || Content Cell | Content Cell || Content … Continue reading Learn to add Excel Gists

Simple way configure Logging in ASP.NET WebForms Application

C# PROGRAMMINGThis article shows how to set up logging using ELMAH.ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) is an application-wide error logging facility that is completely pluggable. It can be dynamically added to a running ASP.NET web application, or even all ASP.NET web applications on a machine, without any need for re-compilation or re-deployment.Once ELMAH has been … Continue reading Simple way configure Logging in ASP.NET WebForms Application

Pagination Angular

ANGULAR PROGRAMMINGThis article demonstrates how to use implement pagination inside an angular application using the “ngx-pagination” module.Getting StartedInstall ngx-pagination using below NPM command:Configure Bootstrap in angularHow to add paginationWe will be covering two types of pagination:Basic Pagination.Pagination with customized properties.How to add pagination?Declare NgxPagination Module inside the “app.module.ts” file.Basic PaginationIt will use the default pagination … Continue reading Pagination Angular