Learn to add Excel Gists

GITHUB GISTHow to add a searchable table into the medium article.Photo by Lukas from PexelsI have always wondered how to add table data into a Medium Story?One can think of creating tables with pipes | and hyphens - as shown below| First Header | Second Header || ------------- | ------------- || Content Cell | Content Cell || Content … Continue reading Learn to add Excel Gists

Run C# code from Github Gist

C# CONCEPTSTry .NET can load code directly from a GitHub Gist, either as a URL parameter when the iframe is loaded.The article demonstrates how to create “Try .Net URL,” which copy code from Github Gist with .Net extensions and provides an option to run in the browser.PrerequisitesHow to create Github GistLearn about Microsoft new tool try .Net interactiveGetting StartedCreate a GIST in … Continue reading Run C# code from Github Gist