GitHub SonarQube workflow — .Net

C# CONCEPTSHow to set up GitHub SonarQube workflow on pull request for .Net repositoriesPhoto by Malte Luk from PexelsLearning ObjectivesHow to set up SonarQube locallySetup GitHub workflow with Sonar CloudRun SonarQube code analysis on pull requestPrerequisitesDownload Git command line or Github DesktopNeed a .Net core or framework project created using Visual Studio or dotnet global command-line utility.Getting StartedSonarQube … Continue reading GitHub SonarQube workflow — .Net

Run SonarQube Locally — .Net

.NET CODE ANALYSISHow to run SonarQube locally for .Net solutionsThe article describes how to analyze C# code quality using the SonarQube command line.Photo by Jefferson Santos on UnsplashPrerequisitesDownload the SonarQube free Community EditionSonarQube scanners require version 8/11 of the JVM, and the SonarQube requires version 11Install PostgreSQL for demonstration, but it also supports MSSQL and Oracle databases.For the .Net … Continue reading Run SonarQube Locally — .Net