Visualize Data Structures in Debug Mode.

VS CODE EXTENSIONData Visualization DebuggerVisualizing data structure modifications utilizing the debugging view provides a very precise picture of exactly what happens with each operation. This article covers the visual debugger through an exploration of the following examples:Line Graph plotting — TypescriptLinked List plotting — C# Console ApplicationBefore starting, let’s look at how to access Visual DebuggerFirst, get the following extension … Continue reading Visualize Data Structures in Debug Mode.

Interceptor Angular

Interceptors are provided by an angular framework to basically intercept or modify HTTP requests before passing on to the server.Its really handy in scenarios like Authentication, Logging, Appending Headers & may more.Without interceptors, developers need to specify Authentication, Logging, or any other common information explicitly for the HTTP request method.Different scenario’s where interceptors are commonly … Continue reading Interceptor Angular

Pagination Angular

ANGULAR PROGRAMMINGThis article demonstrates how to use implement pagination inside an angular application using the “ngx-pagination” module.Getting StartedInstall ngx-pagination using below NPM command:Configure Bootstrap in angularHow to add paginationWe will be covering two types of pagination:Basic Pagination.Pagination with customized properties.How to add pagination?Declare NgxPagination Module inside the “app.module.ts” file.Basic PaginationIt will use the default pagination … Continue reading Pagination Angular

AuthGuard Authentication

ANGULAR PROGRAMMINGAuth guard is an angular route guard that is used to stop unauthenticated or unauthorized users from accessing the protected routes.It is implemented using the “CanActivate” interface, which allows the guard to decide if a way can be activated with the “CanActivate()” method.If the method returns “true,” then the route is activated(allowed to proceed).If … Continue reading AuthGuard Authentication

Enable CORS .Net Core

C# PROGRAMMINGThis article shows how to enable CORS in ASP.Net Core App.Browser prevents the server from making requests to different domains than the one serving the web page. This restriction is called the same-origin policy. The same-origin policy prevents malicious sites from reading sensitive data.CORS(Cross Origin Resource Sharing)W3C standard allows the server to relax the … Continue reading Enable CORS .Net Core

How to make API calls in Angular

ANGULAR PROGRAMMINGAngular provides HttpClientModule which allows developers to send HTTP requests and make API calls to remote HTTP Servers.Different HTTP methods covered are as follows:GETPOSTPUTDELETEGET Method (For code refer Github Repo)GET method requests a representation of specified resource. Requests using GET should only retrieve data. It does not change any state of the resource & said … Continue reading How to make API calls in Angular

Configure bootstrap in angular

ANGULAR PROGRAMMINGCreate/Configure a sample angular app using below guideStep by step guide what all npm packages need to be installed to start using bootstrap in an angular project.Step 1: Install JQuery 2: Install popper.js 3: Install Bootstrap 4: Declare the dependencies in “angular.json” file as shown below 5: Utilize in any component. For demonstration, we … Continue reading Configure bootstrap in angular

Common HttpService in Angular

ANGULAR PROGRAMMINGBeing an angular developer, calling rest API using HttpClient is sufficient but it creates a lot of code repetition. So to avoid that we will learn how to create a common HTTP service to handle POST, GET, PUT & DELETE.General HTTP ServiceGithub RepoStep 1: Create a new angular application, follow below reference linkStep 2: Add “HttpClientModule” … Continue reading Common HttpService in Angular

Polling in Angular 8

Learn how to doPolling is a widespread use case in many single-page applications because we want to update the data without any user action.The client (i.e., JavaScript) is requesting the server in a defined interval for new data. It may even happen that there is new data, but we’re getting the data a few seconds later, which … Continue reading Polling in Angular 8